20 Years of Amazing & True Short Travel Stories by Mom

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By Claire Davies with Sue Davies

Now entering her 89th year, my mother wanted to see the world since she was a child growing up on the Lower East Side of New York City in the 1930s. She wasn’t able to take her first trip internationally until she was in her 60s, but she covered a lot of ground after that. China was her first destination. And then, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Germany, Austria, Poland, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, and Costa Rica. In honor of her 89th birthday, I am sharing some of my mother’s short travel stories from around the world.

Short Travel Stories by Mom

This post has been updated–my mother is now celebrating her 90th year.

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Hi this is Claire, Sue’s mom. The lovely gift of a report of my travel experiences by my daughter completely surprised me. I was amazed at the warm responses from strangers and touched by the fact that some people were inspired by my travel. I had absolutely no idea that she was doing this. It required her going through many, many photo albums. Upon my return from a trip, I not only placed photos in albums but wrote about my experiences and information about the country I was in. This ranks number 1 on my lengthy birthday gift list and helped make my day wonderful. Thank you to all who responded. You are deeply appreciated. Claire Davies, November 2018

I love that my mother had a chance to travel to more than 20 countries and to have adventures all over the world. And, many of these trips were in the early 1990s when it was not as easy to travel to remote places like Zimbabwe, Morocco, Indonesia and Nepal. She was even in South Africa 4 months after apartheid ended and Mandela became president. She traveled with groups as a woman in her 60s and 70s and wandered on her own as much as she could. The last trip she did out of the country was to Mexico with Reggie and me when she was 80. I hope to have these kind of adventures into my 80s, too.

My mother turns 89 this month and I am sharing these short travel stories in honor of her birthday.

First Trip–China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore

Short Travel Stories by Mom
Mom at a Temple In Thailand. 1990

The first time flying overseas by myself at age 60, going to some place that I had always wanted to go to–China. It was amazing–seeing how the rest of the world lived. I saw a lot more than China. I went to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Bali and Singapore. It made me want to do even more. But mostly, I realized that no matter how much one travels, there are so many more places to go to and see. The world is a wonderful, large place.

Boat Goes Aground in China

While I was in China on a river cruise, our boat went aground. We stepped off the boat on bridge of shaky boards that some Chinese men put down for us.  There I was, stepping from slippery stone to slippery stone. I got off the boat and then realized how far we had to walk. I thought I couldn’t make it. What was I doing there, halfway around the world alone on some slippery rocks?

Almost Missing the Plane in Singapore

When we were in Singapore, my tour wasn’t going to Sentosa and I really wanted to go there. I set off to see the Island on our last morning in Singapore. We were running late on the way back so we decided to take a taxi. We arrived just before the group was leaving for the airport. Entering the lobby, we suddenly panicked. It was the wrong hotel. The concierge immediately got us another taxi and off we went to the right hotel. We arrived, ran upstairs to retrieve our bags. We barely made it to the airport on time.

Packing for a Trip

I never know exactly what I want to wear or what I will need when I go on a trip so I pack everything. One time in China, I was at the airport and they called me into the office and questioned me. They wanted to know why I had so many bags. They must have thought that I was smuggling or something. I was scared. And maybe even cried a little. After a little while they let me go. I was so relieved. I still take everything that I want on a trip.

My daughter has spent a lot of time in Asia, but she hasn’t been to India yet.

India-Beyond the Taj Mahal

Short Travel Stories by Mom
Mom in India. 1995

I went to India more than 20 years ago. The Taj Mahal is beautiful. But there are many other things that are never spoken of that are also pretty amazing. I think those things that are talked about the most might not be the most impressive. Maybe because you’ve gotten to expect so much from them. In India, the temples with rows and rows of carved people in different forms and shapes on floor after floor was quite amazing. Perhaps as amazing as the Taj Mahal. Being in India and seeing cows walking around free in railroad stations and anywhere that they wanted. That was another experience.

Africa–Animals Free, People In Cages

I always wanted to go to Africa. In 1993, I went for a month to Kenya and Tanzania. I also went into Zimbabwe to see Victoria Falls and to South Africa in 1994. I loved that the animals were free. And, that we kind of were caged up. We saw a lion eating a kill–a zebra. To see them in their natural habitat was something I will always remember. The only time that I didn’t feel caged up was at the Karen Blixen Conservatory where they rescued animals. The giraffes ate out of my hand. That was an experience.

Short Travel Stories by Mom
Lion in Africa on Safari in Kenya and Tanzania. 1995

Turkey and the Blue Mosque

I took a trip to Greece which ended up in Istanbul, Turkey. I was also connecting with another group coming into Istanbul 2 days later. So, I had 2 days in Istanbul totally on my own. That’s how I would have liked to do all my travels–on my own. And I found those days as the most refreshing of all the trips because I could get up when I wanted to get up, go where I wanted to go, eat at whatever time I wanted to eat. The freedom of that was great experience. I felt free.

The temples in Turkey were very, very beautiful. The Blue Mosque in particular. We could never create what was created those hundreds, thousands of years ago.

One of my free days, a guy approached me to come to his carpet shop.  He was flirting with me and offered to take me to the Casino that night. I turned him down, naturally. That night I took a taxi to the casino and had a wonderful evening. They had a buffet with all kinds of food. I sat at the table, playing and enjoyed myself. Years later, I was on a gambling boat in Florida and met a dealer from Turkey. He told me that the casinos were shut down in Turkey and they no longer allowed gambling. Times have changed in Turkey and it made me sad. It was really a lovely casino.

Short Travel Stories by Mom
Mom in Egypt. 1995

Egypt-Feeling so Small

I loved Luxor. Abu Simbel is quite amazing. The figures are so tall, you’re like an insect standing next to them. I am so amazed that the structures that were built so very, very, very long ago are still existing where our houses that were built 100 years ago are falling apart.

The more you travel, you realize how very, very large the world is and how little you really have traveled.

Morocco a Market During Ramadan

In 1993, Morocco was a place where they really tried to keep people together. Even when we went to a market, they tried to keep us as a group. But I really liked wandering on my own. One day, we were coming back to the hotel and I persuaded the driver to let me off. It was during Ramadan and I was the only caucasian in the market. I went to a local market and wandered around. Had a wonderful time. I took a taxi back to the hotel and the driver was morose. I didn’t understand why. When I got back to the hotel, the people in my group came rushing up and hugging me. Then the told me that a Jewish man had gone into a Mosque and killed dozens of people. They were worried that something would happen to me. I was sad to hear what happened. It was wrong. One of the things that saddened me when I went to Israel was to see the level of animosity on both sides. It made me think there would never been peace there.

Short Travel Stories by Mom
Ecuador with daughters Sue and Robin in 2001

Ecuador During a Volcano Eruption

For my 72nd birthday, I went to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands with my two daughters–Robin and Susan. We arrived in Quito and I was excited to see South America. I’d never been to South America. We had all of these tours set up. It was the only time I was ever going to be there and I wanted to see as much as I could. When we woke up in the morning, we got a phone call that all of our tours were cancelled. A volcano had erupted just outside of Quito. There was gray ash all over the street. But it was my only 2 days in Quito! There were no taxis, bus and even the airport was shut down. A young man and his wife were driving by. They offered to drive us around the city for the day. They were wonderful. So that’s how we got to see Quito.

Short Travel Stories by Mom
Mom and Lonesome George. The last Pinta Island Tortoise on Galapagos Island. 2001

Italy During a Taxi Strike

I had 2 days in Rome on my own. There was a taxi strike and I made my way around the city on foot, bus, trolley and subway. It was the wildest public transportation system. First, I would find somewhere that sold tickets. It was never near the stop. They would be out of tickets, so I would set off to find another place. I spent a lot of time trying to explain what I wanted–they did not speak English and I didn’t speak Italian. Then I would walk back to the stop and wait. Once the bus came, I would try to fight my way on–it was packed like a sardine can. One time, an elderly woman tried to keep me off the bus even though my friends were already on. It was quite an experience.

Eastern Europe

I started out in Germany which I never thought I would go to. I didn’t want to bring my money to Germany. It’s not fair and it was long ago. Hitler was a crazy man. What I can’t understand is people following him. The same way that I can’t understand what is going on in our country right now. But I did go to Germany. We went to Austria, Czech Republic and Poland. I went to Auschwitz. I felt it was the right thing for me to do to pay homage to what happened there. Terrible place. All that I see when I think of Auschwitz, there was lots of things I saw. But the thing that kind of hits me was that glass window with piles and piles of children’s shoes. That sticks in my head.

Final Words

The things I most learned from my travels is that the world is an enormous place. And, you can never see it all. Visiting for a month is not the same as living in a place. I wish that I could keep on traveling and see more of the world.

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Please leave a Comment. What do you think about my mother’s short travel stories from the early 1990s? Have you been to some of these places?

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  1. What a lovely article with so many wonderful memories. Thank you so much for sharing Claire and Sue. You’re an inspiration to others Claire.

    So where are you going to discover next?

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. She’s discovering places through me (Sue) now. But she still has a lot of places on her list–Barcelona, London, other places

  2. Claire, your stories are so inspiring! It’s amazing that you traveled so much when travel was not as simple as it is today. Sue, thank you for sharing!!!

  3. Loved reading your post and looking at the lovely pictures! Lots of treasured memories♥️
    Such beautiful and amazing travel stories! You are so truly inspiring. Keep traveling more 🙂

  4. Your mother is such an inspiration – can I be her when I grow up?! I started travelling alone at 18, and I can only dream I’m still going by 80! Of the list I’ve been to India, Italy and Ecuador, and totally agree that the cows in India are an experience on their own! Thank you so much for sharing these stories Claire and Sue, they were a pleasure to read <3

  5. Your mom’s stories are nothing short of amazing! I just turned 50 and travel with my kids and I long to go to so many of the places that your mom has enjoyed. She’s such a brave woman to start travelling at 60 and to continue for the next 20 years is wonderful. She has experiences more than many will ever and her love of travel is clear in her stories. As a side note, my mom turns 80 this year. I love that you’re sharing your mom’s stories 🙂 (from Ottawa, Canada)

  6. Wow! What amazing adventures she has had and doesn’t surprise me at all that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree:)

    Best part is the joy, happiness and smiles throughout… even the lion, cow and Turtle!

    Happy 89th Birthday xoxo

  7. What an inspiration your mother is! Thank you to both of you for sharing her stories. It’s a reminder of how quickly the world changes and how each moment of our travels is truly unique to the time and place. I hope that I can be enjoying such adventures into my 80’s as well! 🙂

  8. Hi Sue, What an awesome story of many stories. I enjoyed reading them all. Many of them reminded me of my trips to Turkey, India, Kenya, South, Africa, Eastern Europe, Italy (and the strike)

    What South Africa was like in 1994 the year apartheid was officially abolished?

  9. On your birthday, Claire, I toast your spirit of adventure, your delight in discovery, your joy in connecting with people, and your wholehearted love of life!
    You are an inspiration! It’s been many years since I traveled abroad. After reading your marvelous stories and poring over your photos, I want to pack a bag and board a plane to exotic lands. Thank you for sharing your rich memories!

  10. On your birthday, Claire, I toast your spirit of adventure, your delight in discovery, your joy in connecting with people, and your wholehearted love of life!
    You are an inspiration! It’s been many years since I traveled abroad. After reading your marvelous stories and poring over your photos, I want to pack a bag and board a plane to exotic lands. Thank you for sharing your rich memories!

  11. loved the comments. What a rich itinerary. Thank you, Mom, for sharing your experiences. Especially liked your observation about people being in cages and animals being free.

  12. Wow, Ms. Davies, your stories are so inspiring! I love this sentiment, “The more you travel, you realize how very, very large the world is and how little you really have traveled.” Each time I travel — or hear stories of others’ journeys — I realize how much more of the world I long to see, and I’m inspired to get out there and experience as much of it as possible! Thank you for sharing your memories, and I hope you’re able to continue traveling so you can post an update when you turn 100! In the meantime, have a wonderful 89th birthday. (PS: If you ever make your way to Savannah, GA, I’d be happy to show you around!)

  13. This is the most beautiful and inspiring travel story that I have read in a long time. Ms. Davies, your passion to see the world, appreciate the culture and beautiy in different corners of the world is truly amazing. My best wishes for your health and happiness. It was great reading about your travels and you inspire me, as much as you’d inspire my parents whom I’m gonna forward this to

  14. Wow, what a woman. A true inspiration to all us ladies travelling the world. I hope I’m as awesome as your mum when I’m her age (unlikely, but we gotta have goals, right?)

  15. Sounds like mom has had some incredible adventures! How sweet that the two of you get to share a common love of travel. Happy, happy birthday!

  16. Absolutely love your stories and so inspired to see your travels! Turkey is one of my favorite countries I’ve traveled to and I’d love to go to Morocco during Ramadan! I’ve been to Egypt during Ramadan and it was such an amazing experience! Thank you for sharing your stories with us and inspiring us to keep traveling!

  17. you go mon, what a great read. Love the places you have chosen and are looking forward to your next destination stories… keep on travelling never forget to travel!

  18. I so enjoyed reading the stories. The photos feel so authentic. Its so wonderful that your mother braved the volcano to explore Quito! Its true that the more you travel, the bigger you realise the world is. My great aunt was the wife of the British ambassador to Siam (long, long ago). I used to love listening to her stories as a child – they are what inspired met see the world. I wish I had written them down. Such a lovely read, thank you for sharing.

  19. What a wonderful post. I love it! It sounds like your mother had amazing adventures in many unexpected places in the world. She reminds me of my mum, who is a little younger but recently went bungee jumping at 55! I hope she is still adventuring at 80, too.

  20. LOVED it! Both my sister and I believe we got the travel bug from our parents who crossed borders with us from the time we were children. It is so nice to see how your mom only started traveling in her 60’s and she chose such hard to reach destinations! Good for her! This made me think about all the things that went wrong during my travels, bus strike in Belize, canceled trips due to natural disasters and so on. Happy Birthday to your mom! She sounds like a hell of a woman!

  21. I am super inspired by these stories. I can’t get my own 75-year-old mother on a plane! What a great life!

  22. Hi Ms. Davies and Sue,
    What terrific stories! I like how you appreciate the “under foot” aspects of your adventures as much as the headliners.

  23. I have to say I think the Blue Mosque is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen anywhere! So glad to have you share your experiences as a world traveler. And so glad you shared Sue with us and the rest of the world as well! Keep on traveling!

  24. That’s such a lovely post, it really made me smile! Your mum is a big inspiration 🙂

    I have been travelling solo around Asia for the last 9 months and I can 100% identify with the feeling of freedom described in this article. It’s the best feeling in the world and I don’t want to stop exploring!

    Also, wow for going to China first. I went there earlier this year and it’s definitely not an easy place to travel due to the language barrier… But we do have it so much easier to move freely around the world these days compared to what it must have been like in the 90s 😉

    Happy birthday Claire!!

  25. What an amazing woman! And a great reminder that travelling isn’t just for the young! Definitely something to aspire to for the rest of us! I agree wholeheartedly about the India sentiment. I remember being incredibly disappointed by the Taj Mahal, which I was told I HAD to see. Then, more or less around the corner, are a whole bunch of lesser known temples (or at least lesser known in 2000, don’t know about now), and they were empty and provided a much more enjoyable experience. And yes, the cows! They really are an experience in themselves. I remember being so fascinated by the fact that they could just go wherever they wanted! Thanks for sharing these amazing stories!

  26. Wow what fantastic journeys you’ve been on! My wife and I are just starting our long-term travelling, and I hope we can still be brave enough to get out there when we’re in our sixties! Thank you for sharing your experiences – it’s inspiring!

  27. Wow, how incredible is your mum! Especially picking such unique and off the beaten path destinations in what could be some scary times to travel as a woman. I also love that most trips seemed to be months, not weeks, to see each and every place in a depth most people don’t see on the average vacation.

    I’m currently on an indefinite world trip, and have been feeling a little bit overwhelmed and starting to get homesick lately. These stories have definitely inspired me to keep going because ‘The more you travel, you realize how very, very large the world is and how little you really have traveled’

  28. Dear Claire (and thanks Sue for making public your mum’s memories),
    I agree with you in thinking that the world is a big and wonderful place and even if we will be unable to visit it all, each travel teaches us about how people live and how things go in countries where we don’t live. I loved your slippery adventure in China and our fun memories from past times in Turkey and I wish you a very happy birthday.

  29. Wow! Thank you Claire and Sue for sharing these stories. I love hearing about these adventures you had and it’s inspiring that you covered so much ground in 20 years.

    I had the experience of being in a market during Ramadan (in Istanbul) and it’s one of my favorite memories. So much going on, and people smoking hookah near sunset with their food covered in front of them waiting for the moment the sun dipped and they could eat!

  30. Wow, what fabulous memories and incredible travel experiences. I agree, the world is there to be explored and I loved reading about your time in some if the places I’ve been.

  31. Your mother is so, so inspirational, to have the determination and bravery to start her world travels at 60! It was hard enough for me traveling solo for work in my 20s! I especially loved the story of her first trip to Asia and her “what am I doing here” moment lol. I hope to have the same attitude and abilities as her when I am her age!!

  32. Your mum is very right: the more you travel the more you want to see of this wonderful planet we live on. Some amazing memories captured here and what a brave woman doing it all after she turned 60! 🙂

  33. Your mom has done some incredible things traveling to so many places sometimes by herself! And she has so many lessons to teach. Her stories were wonderful. But I’m most jealous she got to meet Lonesome George!

  34. Claire how inspiring you are to start traveling at 60 years old and continue for over 20 years. Bravo to you. I have often dreamed of going to many of the places you have visited – especially Morocco and South Africa. You’ve made me think about going there in the near future. I’ve been putting off that dream for a while. How lucky you are to have a daughter like Sue to travel with and give you this beautiful gift – enjoy it and many more years of happiness. My mom’s name is Claire too and I had the opportunity to travel to Italy with her twice. It was a great gift for us. Take good care.

  35. How amazing that your mom saw all these places, and starting at age 60! So many places on this list I’d love to go, especially India and Turkey. 🙂

  36. Wow what a diary full of precious memories and experiences. It speaks of adventure, exploration and spirit that inspires us all to travel as far as we can, wheverever we can, for as long as we can. Loved all your stories and may they continue to show people that all things are possible. Kx

  37. I love this article & thank you so much for sharing. It is inspirational to hear your stories & just goes to show that you’re never too old to pursue your dreams. Your Mum sounds like an amazing woman!

  38. What a beautiful and adventurous life!

    I love seeing that people are passionately doing what they love, especially traveling! It was so interesting to read about such exciting memories! A true inspiration to travel and find new experiences at any age! 🙂

    I wish you lots of beautiful travel experiences in the future!

  39. Now we know who you get your Wanderlusting gene from Sue! Truly wonderful stories, I admire your spirit Claire and very much enjoyed reading your recollections. Thank you for allowing us to share your experiences!

  40. What an inspiration! I love reading stories like this. On the one hand it shows much has changed over the years, but at the same time so little…. It also goes to show that it’s never to late to fulfil a travel dream! 🙂 Happy Birthday!

  41. Love that you mother didn’t let age stop her from traveling. Very interesting to read her adventures. My husband and I have been to many of the same places like Morroco, Egypt, Galapagos (I met Lonesome George too), Asia, Turkey…she’s so right the world is a very big place. Thanks for sharing these. Wish her a Happy Birthday please 🙂

  42. Thank you for sharing your travels. I think sometimes we have all sorts of reasons not to travel, but travel breeds understanding and appreciation and that shines through your memories. What a wonderful life…so far. ?

  43. I can now see why you love to travel so much, your mum is a legend and an inspiration to us all. I hope to do quite a few of the trips she has mentioned.

  44. Happy birthday Mrs. Davies!
    I think it was amazing having traveled so much and also the choice of the place you visited are kind of mesmerizing! You are such an inspiration for me, I want to travel more as well, and I hope in the near future to do so.
    I am sorry that your experience in Italy (where I am from) was not very memorable, I wish you would give a second chance because it will be worth the time…just make sure there are no strikes going on.
    I lived in Morocco and Turkey many years ago and I always found among my favorite places, although the political situation back then was different.
    So, kudos to you for your wonderful life experiences and I wish you many more!
    Tanti auguri!

  45. Wow what an exciting travel life you have led Mrs Davis. No wonder your daughter is so curious and adventurous too. Happy 89th birthday! That too is an amazing achievement!

  46. Re: “That’s how I would have liked to do all my travels–on my own. And I found those days as the most refreshing of all the trips because I could get up when I wanted to get up, go where I wanted to go, eat at whatever time I wanted to eat. The freedom of that was great experience. I felt free.”

    Love this! Its a wonderful feeling to be connected to nothing but possibilities. I have found that too on sone solo adventures I’ve had.

    There’s a song lyric that goes “the lines stay connected, but the point remains free.” Can’t remember the musician, but pretty sure she was a female folk singer. Going to hunt that song down now;-) Happy Birthday!!!

  47. What a lovely article and a true inspiration to all of us to keep traveling! Thank you for keeping life into perspective. Happy Birthday!!

  48. What a wonderful and awesome travel history. So many touching and moving moments, especially those that speak to the need for peace amongst various cultures, which would be so much easier if we would bother to travel more and to speak to each other.

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Davies, and thanks so much for sharing.

    Thank you so much for publishing, Sue.


  49. Wow! How very impressive! Long may you reign. When we travel, we expand our own internal borders as well – and help those not so lucky to do the same with a broader understanding.

    Thank you for sharing such wonderfulness with us all and happy birthday!

  50. Thanks so much Sue for introducing your mom through her adventures around the globe! Great stories. I found some poignant, others funny and all of them great reads. Happy Birthday Claire!

  51. Wow, now I know where Sue got her love of travel and her sense of adventure. So nice to see all those pictures of you in amazing locations over so many years. What an inspiration! Have a wonderful birthday.

  52. What amazing stories! It is such an inspiration to realize that you should never give up on your dreams!

    Thank you for these wonderful memories and for being such an inspirational woman. Happy Birthday! xoxo Tara

  53. Wow these are amazing! Reading this I wonder if I will also still be travelling at this age and having my kids/grandkids read all my travel stories. It’s such a special and inspiring thing, you should put up more! There’s never a limit on travel 🙂

  54. It was a good read of Claire’s adventures. It is an inspiration to me that Claire actually made many of her travels in her golden years! I am not sure if I can do that if I am at her age and in the manner in which she had done – on her own in most destinations. I am not one who would enjoy travelling alone but by reading her travelogue, she demonstrated character, resilience and also impressed upon me that travelling alone is not just for the young! Thank you Sue for sharing???

  55. Hi Claire:

    Your stories are inspirational. For my 50th birthday I went to Peru and had the time of my life. I have done a few trips afterward. Now that I am turning 60 was thinking my international adventures have come to a close. After reading your stories maybe my international adventures are just beginning.

  56. What wonderful adventures! And I’m inspired that you only began after 60 so it’s never too late. I’ve been to a few of the countries you have but one I’m concentrating on right now is the UK. Being from Michigan but having lived in Australia for nearly 40 years meant that most of my overseas trips were back home to visit family. Now that I’m older, opportunities have come to visit farther afield. We visited the UK and a few countries in Europe four years ago, then last year I was able to go to Ireland and the UK. Loved it! I’m heading back to the UK next year to explore more of Scotland and Wales. And you’re right…once you start travelling, you realise how much is out there to see and how it’s been made so beautiful and wonderful for us! I, too, stand in amazement at the genius of the Egyptians. Seems we’re going backwards in our ‘smarts’! Thanks for sharing all your adventures. Have a lovely birthday!

  57. I usually don’t read travel coz I have 2 dogs which makes it financially difficult! But I enjoy reading your post and to know that you only started traveling at age 60. Wow! you give me hope, it is never too late 🙂 Thanks for sharing


  58. Thanks for sharing your wonderful travel adventures! We enjoyed reading your stories. We especially liked the picture of you and Lonesome George!

  59. Wonderful stories of your adventures.

    Even more interesting is your story …. reimagining your life in your 60’s, doing new things and enjoying life! Thanks for sharing.

  60. The photos on this post are so full of joy. I hope I am this adventurous, and embracing of life, at your mom’s age (OK, heck, even next week)!

  61. Thanks for sharing these wonderful inspiring stories. I haven’t done as much traveling as I would like, but these great story inspire me to do more. Thanks.

  62. I love traveling and so did my Mom. She passed away at 92, and I had the pleasure of accompanying her for her 85th birthday trip through the Panama Canal, which she had wanted to see since she was a girl who hitched rides in the Erie Barge Canal. We went off on our own side trip on one of our stops and we were late coming back. So nice to see and 85 year old still be able to run to catch the boat!
    I am so pleased you got to have all these experiences. The world is a wonderful place in so many ways. And just a funny aside, my mom, Lila, had two daughters, Susan and Robin too.
    With best wishes and respect.

  63. These are wonderful stories….full of life, details, and great observations. The one about the market in Morocco brought back memories of my trip there and what I experienced at Djemma el Fna….I learned so much about the culture there. I have yet to visit the other countries mentioned, but they are on my list! I feel we are all better humans when we have experienced some aspect of the lives of people of other cultures. You have inspired me to suggest to one of my sisters that she start such a blog…she has been all over Africa! and China!, etc. Happy 89th birthday!! Diane

  64. So many places, so many adventures! 60 is coming soon for me. I’m going to refer back to this blogpost for ideas 🙂

  65. My wife just got back from Tanzania. She climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro there. Things have changed quite a bit.

    Also, would love to go to Eastern Europe!

  66. I thoroughly enjoyed these posts. If only everyone could travel the world and observe and participate in the lives of others of different cultures….wouldn’t that be great? I hope that I will be able to visit many of the countries described….my hubby and I are planning a trip to Italy for our next anniversary and your comments will be helpful to that effort. Happy 89th! Diane

  67. Ms. Davies thank you for sharing such wonderful memories. You are an inspiration!
    Happy birthday and looking forward to your next destination!

  68. Grandma,

    I’ve always loved hearing about your stories and travels. It’s great to see so many photos and stories consolidated in one place so other people can share in the joy all of these trips brought you.


  69. You give a lot of meaning to the saying “Life begins at …” whatever age. So many adventures and hopefully many more as you hit 89. Happy Birthday!

  70. Amazing memories of wonderful adventures. Thank you for sharing your journal! May you enjoy many more years of continued travel and exciting places shared with family and friends. As your blog name suggests / to travel is to live! Happy Birthday!

  71. This is awesome! Your mom sounds like a real adventurer. Reminds me how fortunate I have been to travel some of the same places; China, India, Israel, Equedor. Travel on, travel on!

  72. Hi Sue, what an amazing homage and collection of concise, capture the moment and transport us, anecdotes your mom wrote. Just enough to give a taste, and to the point. An inspiring international bucket list! Many more years of travels, inner and outer journeys, for you all. Happy Birthday! Do it now. Makes me want to do this for my mom, who is 94, but can’t travel anymore, doesn’t get out.

  73. Your mother has lots of spunk and a real wanderlust. Congrats on fearlessly exploring the globe. And a very happy birthday!

  74. These are great stories! Amazing, isn’t it, that some of the most interesting and memorable parts of trips are when something goes wrong and you have to rely on your strength and ingenuity. You go girl! What a travel buff you became and what extraordinary places you have been.

  75. Hi, Claire,

    wonderful to hear your stories! It sounds like you are a wonderfully adventurous person who relishes life! Very inspiring and keep moving!

  76. Being able to connect the stories with pictures has been spectacular. Very proud to call this person my grandma. It also has inspired me to travel as much as I can regardless of age.

  77. Gosh, your extensive travels remind me that I’ve got places to go! I’ve only been to a bunch of the many places you’ve been to, and the thought that you first STARTED all this at 60 is solid inspiration to get moving!

    The beautiful thing is that while traveling might now be difficult, you can serve up an ample set of amazing memories from this travelogue at any time and go to these places again and again in your mind.

    Thanks for sharing your adventures with us!

  78. What wonderful pictures and stories, Claire! Thank you so much for sharing them with us. You are such an inspiration!

  79. Indiana Jones, WHO?! The real star explorer is one Claire Davies! What amazing stories and experiences. Traveling alone is not for the faint of heart, and sadly is even harder for women. But, these trips, stories and memories are proof that it’s all worth it! Hats off to you Clarie and I can tell there are a lot more adventures to come!

  80. These stories are very inspiring. One lesson I take away is that one can see lots of the world after 60, and that’s very heartening to me. Thanks for sharing. Tamara Lucas

  81. I was very moved to “see” how and what your Mom saw and experienced on her travels. I can see where you get your curiosity and sense of adventure and detail from. Your Mom’s an independent “out of the box” woman. Nothing seems to phase her. She attracted lovely folks and if something went wrong – new things fell into place with her upbeat attitude.

    I loved how she described how the animals were free -and how she loved that and how the people were caged.

    And when she asked herself “what was I doing there, halfway around the world alone on some slippery rocks?” I think thru her travels, she kept finding rich answers to this question.

  82. Those great stories and show your sense of adventure perfectly! Traveling and “getting away from the group” lets you immerse in the culture and is a fantastic way to really enjoy a destination and get to know the people. Thanks for sharing these stories!

  83. Happy Birthday! And as a fellow traveller to the Galapagos Islands, I am so impressed that you got to see Lonesome George alive! I went in 2018, and there was only a memorial to him. Hope to have as many adventures as you under my belt soon.

  84. Happy birthday, Mrs. Davies! How joyful to read your travel stories. Love that you were able to begin fulfilling your dream of traveling when you hit your 60’s. Especially moved by your interactions with people and how attentive they were to you. Love the picture of you next to Lonesome George on Pinta Island. I’m imagining the giraffe eating out of your hand in Africa. ? Also hoping that you could find a way to keep on traveling and checking off your list.

  85. What an amazing group of stories and experiences! I love your Mom’s adventurous nature! She is so right that the world is so big and it’s a joy that she experienced so much of the culture and beauty around the world.

  86. You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your travel stories! It’s so wonderful that you experienced the beauty and culture around this world that is so much bigger than us!

  87. Happy Birthday! It’s wonderful taking a trip with you down memory lane. The stories and photos are terrific. I’m so glad I’ve seen your photo albums and heard some stories first hand. It really is lovely reading the posts of your followers. You do inspire all of us to travel. Thank you 🙂

  88. Claire,
    I enjoyed reading your stories and enjoyed all of your adventures! Thanks for taking time share them. I love your hat, too!!!

  89. Claire and Sue-
    This is a fabulous collection of travel memories. Nice to have a glimpse of all Claire’s adventures in one place! Look forward to seeing you both at Parker’s Bar Mitzvah!

  90. Thank you for sharing your wonderful travel stories and your taste for adventure. At 73 it’s time for me get traveling! Happy Belated Birthday.

  91. So great to see the fabulous photos and to know that starting international travel in your 60’s is possible and fulfilling. Beautiful!

  92. I loved your stories and observations! I was particularly inspired by your desire to wander freely, and your persistence in adverse circumstances in order to fully experience where you were.

    And thank you for bringing Sue into the world!

  93. Just seeing this for the first time and I’m so inspired by your Mom and her travels. She managed to see some of the most amazing things and places – and has great stories. She sounds like someone who manages well in tricky situations – and handled so many unexpected events with what sounds like a calm level head! Thanks so much for sharing her stories here, Sue.

  94. It’s great to be able to travel as long as possible and as far as possible. Your mom has been seeing some very incredible places. Thanks for sharing.

  95. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful birthday gift you gave your mother! And her stories are fantastic. She is one adventurous lady, to have traveled to so many exotic places. This is such a moving post – thank you for sharing.

  96. Happy birthday Claire! If you could only recommend one trip to a senior who’s never traveled overseas, what would it be?

  97. Hi Claire, I just want to say that you are a legend, and I’m grateful to Sue for sharing your stories. I hope that I can travel in the way you have, especially after the age of 60. I love your comments about the cows in India. My fiancé is from India (I’m from the UK) and we always chuckle about the cows. Every time I go back to India it makes me smile so much to see that they are still kings (and queens) of the roads. Know that you have inspired many with your travel experiences – thank you – and Happy Birthday!!

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